About pmonkey@admin

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So far pmonkey@admin has created 66 blog entries.

Romance of Mistakes (2013)

2022-06-29T13:37:19+08:00Past Works|

In celebration of Paper Monkey Theatre’s 5th Anniversary, Paper Monkey Theatre presents Romance of Mistakes. Adapted from a classic Beijing Opera, Romance of Mistakes is a pantomime of a series of unfortunate events that resulted from mistaken identities and misrepresented love. With the use of specially handcrafted puppets and original music composition, this fun and quirky Chinese musical is NOT TO BE MISSED!

花田错 (2013)


改编自经典京剧之一,《花田错》是一出剧情趣味、人物幽默,藉由误会巧合、性别错置,发展出一段令观众从头笑到尾的轻松喜剧。 为了欢庆五周年,猴纸剧坊将以人偶同台演出的形式,呈献这出别开生面的华语歌舞剧。千万别错过哦!

西游记 之 火焰山


很久以前, 孙悟空为了将火焰山的绵绵大火扑灭,好让唐僧到西天取经,特地到芭蕉洞向铁扇公主借芭蕉扇.公主生气孙悟空拆散她们母子(红孩儿), 非但不借还和悟空大打出手。

The Journey West – Mountain of Fiery

2022-05-09T08:44:40+08:00Past Works|

Princess Tie Shan was not only well-known for her fiery temper, but also having to own a magic fan which could put out any disaster. Wukong the Monkey King, approached her to borrow the fan to put out a fire so that the entourage could continue on their Journey to the West.

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